+48 84 639 11 22 info@fxmusic.pl

Royal Classics Strings

“The voice of your guitar”

Despite being “essential”, the guitar string is usually classified as an “accessory”. Nothing is further from the truth than this because obviously no guitar sounds without strings.

RC Strings has been manufacturing strings for guitar and related instruments for more than 40 years. Becoming “The Voice of Your Guitar” is its main objective and that you play convinced that your strings are as important as your guitar, to feel its sound and its quality. We want RC Strings to be an indispensable ally to express your musical sensitivity and that you feel fulfilled.

For this reason, thinking of the guitarist, RC Strings offers a wide variety of combinations that propose a broad range of timbres and tensions.

Each guitar and each guitarist responds better with different types of strings. RC Strings encourage all guitarists to try our combinations that are made in response to numerous comments and preferences of concert artists around the world and in particular, to“RC Strings Artists”.

The guitarist, especially the professional, in his own interest, should try everything that he has at his disposal. You should try to get the best response from your guitar for your particular style and manner of playing.

Without being limited to the guitar, RC Strings has also become known for its excellence in strings for bandurria, laúd, ukulele and a wide range of related instruments.

With RC Strings you can feel free to enjoy your musical interpretation and expression.